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Our Engineering, Architecture and Design Faculty was founded with the Law on the Amendment of Higher Education Law and Some Laws and Decrees published on 18 May 2018 dated Official Gazette No. 30425 under Kayseri University Rectorate. The proposition of the Kayseri University Rectorate to open a department in our university was investigated by 07.04.2021 dated Higher Education Executive Board and Software Engineering Department is founded in our faculty under article 7/d-2 of Law No. 2547 amended with Law No. 2880.With the Law on the Amendment of the Law on Higher Education and Certain Laws and Decree Laws published in the Official Gazette No. 30425 dated May 18, 2018, Faculty of Engineering Architecture and Design is established under the management of Kayseri University Rectorate. The proposal of the Rectorate of Kayseri University for opening programs and departments within our University is examined at the Higher Education Executive Board meeting dated 07.04.2021, and Software Engineering Department have been opened in our Faculty in accordance with the article 7 / d-2 of the Law No. 2547 amended by Law No. 2880.

Degree Earned

Software Engineering, Undergraduate Degree

Program Profile

Software Engineering is a relatively new discipline since 1968 and aims to design, create and operate software systems by using engineering principles created in other engineering branches for long years. Information technology and software systems that are the most important components of engineering play a vital role in the economic development of numerous countries. Accordingly, Software Engineering is an engineering program that aims interdisciplinary software development by considering user requirements, cost limitations, technical and financial feasibility, safety and security, ease-of-maintenance, product quality and deliverability with strong technological and engineering background as well as project management, communication and management competencies for software engineering graduates. The aim of the Software Engineering undergraduate program that forms the most important and critical component of computer systems used in everyday life such as financial systems, commercial systems, health information systems, airline transportation systems, telecommunication systems and automotive engineering is to raise engineers who push the limits of research and development at the international level, have high occupational ethics, adopts humane values, follows the newest technologies and requirements in their related field, equipped with theoretical and practical information to keep up with the advancements, provide permanent and creative solutions to problems of our age, have analytic thinking, problem-solving and modelling skills.

Graduate Employment Profile

Software Engineering graduates can work in various institutions and organizations such as research and development companies especially in space and defence technologies (Technoparks) as well as banks, health institutions, private and public IT centres and universities that focus on computer and software technologies. Students who graduate from the Software Engineering department can develop software in the security, health and game fields as entrepreneurs, provide support to existing software development and work in different sectors to provide custom software support to the daily lives of individuals in different expertise fields. Additionally, these students can work as a system analyst, system engineer, design engineer, web design and program specialist, project manager, IT specialist, application programmer, test engineer, software engineer, software architect, data analyst or data management specialist. Entrepreneur software engineers can establish their own businesses. Additionally, students who successfully complete their undergraduate education can apply to master’s and doctorate programs in academic institutions and pursue an academic career.

Higher Degree Program Transfer

Candidates who successfully complete their undergraduate degree and have sufficient scores from the ALES examination and English language tests can apply for master’s and doctorate programs in their own department or related departments.

NQF-HETR - Program Competency Relationship

Address and Contact (Program Lead, AKTS/DS Coordinator)

Head of Department: Asst. Prof. Safak KILIC